I think bounce on 1is sooooooo much more fun!! Waste of money .... Please make a bounce on 3 like the original. Totally dont buy....not worth 4 bucks . Also, the screen is sortve buzzy and jerky when Im trying to play and thats why I love bounce on 1 soooo much more than this because its smooth and not so disorienting . It literally gives me a headache to play this game. U would not like it so dont waste your time and money . Spend your time and money playing bounce on original instead of this. Hope this helps you decide whether or not to buy it!! Good luck with bounce on 1!!!!!
P. s. team phobic, if yore gonna make a bounce on 3 , which I hope you are .... Please stick w the simple platformer version. Basically just add onto Bounce on 1 but make more worlds like an island world or something like that ... You know...and please dont
make it four bucks .. Make it like .99 cents or even free . That will make more customers want to buy it. Thanks!!!
Graciekate100 about Bounce On 2: Drallo's Demise, v1.2